i had a very wonderful farewell dinner which my sweet lovely female colleagues had thrown to me.
Hey hey there are totally eightof them! EIGHT lei!!!! heehee
i had never, ever, even dreamt of walk with eight lovely sweet girls in the street and having dinner!!!!!!!
They realli make me look good that evening. =)
thanX a lot, girls.
Hmm... i think i would like to name them...
1st, Big ThanX to
Joan, becoz she was the one who initiate the dinner.
ThanX to
Eileen too, the colleague that we share lots of laughter and gossip (ofcoz together wif others girls la)
[ want to see both of their photo... go to my friendster]
Next... the cutest engineer (must said if not i wun be survived til my last day, ha ha ha...)
Hening... It is realli fun to have her round... she always bring laughter...
[ i do have her photo in my friendster too... want to see, make ur urself free to check it out =P ]
SiJia, she realli look nice and cute... she always make us think of Pikachu... oop... =P
Liyan... the dinner make me know her better, she is cool =)
Beeyen... still that quiet... but she is cool too =)
They all are engineer, and they are very smart one. That is what i percepted and observed of them.
And the last two more girls, and they were the youngest!!
Cindy and
shimainethey are very young, 20 going to 21... and i like them so much, esp cindy... i like to pull her leg and i do it quite often!!!! hahaha...The Only thing i regreted that evening is that i never took any photo with them...
very sad!!!
Here ,i like to took this opportunity to thanX all all these lovely nice girls who give me this unforgetable dinner... and do make this farewell dinner so enjoyable and fun...
i will remember their...