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Optimists and pessimists, we've all met both. On awakening, optimists open the window and say with a smile, "Good morning, God!" Pessimists? They rub their eyes; clear their throat; look out the window and say with a frown, "Good god, morning!" Pessimists always see the dark side of clouds. Optimists? They don't see the clouds at all because they're walking on them!What is optimism? It is simply the belief there is more good in life than bad. It is reacting to life in a positive manner. It is an attitude of positive expectations. Pessimists say that optimists are Pollyannas looking at the world through pink colored glasses and living in a fantasy. Which group is grounded in reality? Are the realists pessimists or optimists?The answer is both are realistic. Both are correct. Why? Because their disposition (optimism or pessimism) is a self-fulfilling prophecy.For example, a young man decides to become a stand-up comic. His friends think he's nuts, but he's an optimist. Because he thinks he has a chance, he keeps trying. And because he keeps trying, his chances keep increasing. True, he runs into obstacles, but he's an optimist, so hurdles are seen not as objects of fear or frustration, but as puzzles in need of a solution. Because of his positive attitude, he doesn't give up. And do you know what happens to people who don't give up? They reach their goal! Now repeat in your mind the same scenario, but with a pessimist. What do you think the pessimist's chances of success are? Can you see how their negative attitude set themselves up for failure?The characteristics of pessimists and optimists have been identified. Whenever something goes wrong, pessimists believe the problem will continue indefinitely, affect all areas of their life, and is their fault. Optimists, however, believe that problems are temporary setbacks with limited impact and due to external causes. In a word, optimists are designed to cope, pessimists designed to mope.So, what if we are pessimists, or not as optimistic as we would like to be? What should we do? We can begin by pondering the words of Frederick Mann, "One of the greatest powers in the universe is individual power of choice. And the most powerful choices are positive choices." Yes, we can choose to change. We can choose to begin today.How do we begin? We must become aware of our negative self-talk. We need to become aware of the negative scripts that are programmed in our mind and constantly play. Self-talk and scripts such as, "I can't do that. I'm not good enough to . . . I'm afraid to . . . That makes me angry. No use trying since I'll probably fail." Whenever you catch yourself with a negative thought, immediately replace it with a positive one. It's a simple but effective technique. So is working out in the gym. But if you want to reshape your body, working out one day for ten minutes will have no impact. The same is true for changing your attitude. If you're serious, you have to work on it 15 ~ 20 minutes every day. Not much to ask for a new and much better you. If you come across an article or book that inspires you, read and reread it over and over again. Repetition is the key to success.